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Easter raffle round-up

Wow! What a success the Easter raffle was again this year. Thank you to all our supporters who bought tickets and shared our raffle page with family and friends. At time of going to press you had raised over £1,600 (with a few hours still to go!).

This year, we saw 32 fantastic prizes being won.

A big thank you to all the companies that donated prizes; without them we wouldn’t be able to run a raffle to raise funds for our cause or have the pleasure of giving out
lots of prizes too.

Among the prizes that we gave away were: two cash prizes, amounting to a total of £350, lots of food, alcohol and gift cards, personalised gifts from Cherry Grove Crafts, a quirky toastie maker, flowers, days out, a signed football and our very
own TOFS books and pen!

A full list of the winners can be seen here.

We would love to hear from any of our winners. So, if you have a story to share, please send it in to the office.

Thank you to all these amazing companies for supporting our raffle!

TOFS Easter Raffle Supporters

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