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Tamasine Swan

Tamasine has been a TOFS Trustee since 2018. Her daughter was born with OA/TOF in 2013 and was surgically repaired at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Despite already having an older child, neither this parental experience nor Tamasine’s career background as a Chartered Town Planner provided much in the way of knowledge or practical skills needed to deal with the medical issues affecting her daughter.

Information from the TOFS website and book, and support from the TOFS Facebook group, proved invaluable during those first few years when hospital admissions were all too frequent. Tamasine has subsequently valued being able to meet other members of TOFS at both the annual Conference and at several children’s parties organised by the charity.

Since becoming a Trustee, Tamasine has been keen to promote the work of TOFS and the message that OA/TOF requires lifelong follow up. She is a member of the charity’s Medical Liaison Sub-Committee, has addressed a gathering of Speech and Language professionals on behalf of TOFS, attended the International Conference on Oesophageal Atresia in 2019 and has written several articles for the TOFS CHEW magazine. She is also an active member and an administrator of the TOFS Facebook Group.

Tamasine Swan
Tamasine Swan