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The TOF Cough with Professor Alyn Morice

Professor Alyn Morice qualified at Cambridge University and after House jobs in London undertook research (MD) into the pharmacology of asthma at St Mary’s Hospital.

As Clinical Lecturer at Addenbrooke’s Hospital Professor Morice developed his interest in cough, demonstrating cough hypersensitivity caused by ACE inhibitors. In 1989 Professor Morice was appointed as Senior Lecturer in Sheffield developing a Pulmonary Vascular service and the first UK Cough Clinic. In 1998, Professor Morice was appointed to the Foundation Chair in Respiratory Medicine in Hull University (now part of Hull York Medical School).

The Cough Clinic has become the largest centre within Europe with an international pattern of referral. Unique investigational strategies provide diagnosis and treatment advances which are incorporated into national and international guideline documents.

Professor Morice has led the European Respiratory Society and British Thoracic Society Taskforces on Cough.

This video was recorded at the Adult TOF Seminar 2018.

Information correct at time of recording. Click here to read our disclaimer.

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