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Jejunal interposition grafts

Respiratory symptoms

  • Dyspnoea was reported in 62%, 25% during exertion, 37% in infection and 12% during stress.
  • Noisy breathing was reported in 25%, continuous in 25% and during infection in 12%.
  • Recurrent pneumonia was reported in 25% and episodic in 25%; 37% reported respiratory tract infections. (70)
  • Lung function tests are also commonly abnormal – FEV1/FVC is abnormal in 29%, FEV1 in 71%, FVC in 43%, PEF in 43%, TLC in 29%.

These patients also have very high levels of respiratory morbidity, similar to gastric pull-up.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

  • Dysphagia present in 50%.
  • Choking present in 37%.
  • Heartburn present in 12%.
  • However, levels of medication in jejunal interposition is less than found in gastric pull-up, with only 12% in one study on anti-reflux medication and 12% prokinetics. (176)