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Can your employer help TOFS?

Did you know that many companies will match charity donations raised by their employees? 

TOFS receives no government support and relies completely on donations from our supporters, the vast majority of whom are connected in some way with the OA/TOF condition. This year, we are 40 years old and our development from a small parent support group to an internationally recognised charity has been made possible through the support of our amazing fundraisers and generous donors.

In recent years, Corporate, Trust and Club (CTC) donations have contributed approximately 13% to our fundraising* and this has so much more potential to increase with your help!

Many companies or clubs are happy to support charitable work as part of their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programme and have budget reserved for charitable donations, but they rely on employees / members to find the information or ask for it.

Please check with your manager or HR department to see what additional funding may be available.

We find that a lot of companies also allow their community to nominate and vote on a chosen charity to support for a year or two.

As long as the charity is registered with Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), which TOFS is, your employer could match your total fundraising amount up to a certain amount. It may also be possible that any volunteering that you do for TOFS could also be supported by your employer.

This is a fantastic way to boost your donated time or money to TOFS.

Is this something you can do for TOFS? Please ask your employer and let us know how you get on.

*TOFS breakdown of income 2020