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Volunteer for TOFS

TOFS is managed by a small, dedicated team and supported by volunteers across the UK. Without their help, we could not offer such a high level of support to those born with OA/TOF. 

We welcome support from any of our members and have lots of ways you can get involved.

“What advice would I give anyone considering volunteering for a charity?
All I can say is… go for it!”

Clare Johns, TOFS Trustee

Current volunteer opportunities

TLC vacancies:

Our TLCs, or TOFS Local Contacts, is a network of parent volunteers with experience of the condition. If you think you could help others with their own OA/TOF journey, please get in touch.

We would particularly like to hear from people in the following areas.

North Scotland – Aberdeen
Northern Ireland – L’Derry
Leicester & Nottingham
West Sussex
North Wales
Glasgow and Scottish Borders
South Yorkshire

To apply for any of these roles, please contact TOFS.

Join a working group

We have a number of working groups that help to guide and support the charity.  These groups are made up of volunteer members with diverse expertise to contribute.

Our sub-committees / working groups include:

  • Strategy and Projects
  • Medical Research
  • Finance and Commercial
  • Events Working Group
  • Pastoral Support
  • Chew Magazine Editorial Board
  • Fundraising Working Group
  • Digital Development Working Group
  • Adult OA/TOF Working Group

If you would like to join a group and get more involved with TOFS, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.

Become a Trustee

TOFS Trustees are volunteers who share ultimate responsibility for governing a charity and directing how it is managed and play a vital role in the running of the charity.

It’s a great way to put your life and work experiences to use and help to make a difference in the OA/TOF community.

Clare Johns

A day in the life of a TOFS Trustee!


Click here to meet all our Trustees and please get in touch if you would like to become a TOFS Trustee.

Become a TLC

TOFS Local Contacts (TLCs) are a small group of volunteer members with experience of caring for a TOF child on a day-to-day basis.

Spread across the UK, TLCs are available to listen, talk and offer support to new TOF parents, organise local informal get togethers, and take posters and leaflets into hospitals, especially where TOF surgery takes place.

Some TLCs have shown further commitment by giving talks on behalf of TOFS and others are available to visit hospitals to support parents.

Our TLCs are themselves offered information on basic listening and counselling and are given support from both the TOFS office and a Trustee.

If you would like to become a TLC, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.

If you require support and would like to speak to a TLC, please click here.

Raise vital funds for TOFS

TOFS receives no government support and relies on fundraising to support our work.  To find out more about how you can help, please visit our fundraising page.  

Become a Facebook admin

Our Facebook support group is managed by a small, dedicated team of volunteers. They are on hand to answer questions, provide advice and moderate posts. If this is something you would like to get involved with, please let us know.

Cheerleaders wanted!

Help support our runners and fundraisers by becoming a TOFS Event Ambassador.

No experience necessary, just lots of enthusiasm so that we can make the TOFS stand a noisy spectacle.

Interested? Please get in touch.

Clare and Neil - TOFS Event Ambassadors cheer on our runners!
TOFS Event Ambassadors cheer on our runners!