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Complaints handling policy


1. Purpose

1.1. TOFS encourages feedback from all those who come into contact with the Charity and the services it provides. The Charity strives hard to ensure that its activities do not lead to any complaint being made but, should this occur, will seek to address the specific issue of concern raised to the satisfaction of the complainant. TOFS will also seek to apply the lessons learned in order to improve its services in the future.

1.2. The purpose of this complaints handling policy is to establish a consistent, transparent, and effective process for managing and resolving complaints, ensuring that any matters identified are addressed promptly and fairly. To this end TOFS will seek to:

  • Adopt a separate, clear Complaints Handling Procedure, to be read alongside this Complaints Handling Policy, which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint;
  • Publicise the existence of the Charity’s Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure via the TOFS website so that people know how to contact TOFS to make a complaint;
  • Ensure that all individuals working at TOFS, and all Trustees, know what to do if a complaint is received;
  • Take all complaints seriously and investigate them fairly and in a timely way;
  • Deal with all complaints confidentially and with the use of discretion;
  • Make sure that complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and that relationships are repaired;
  • Clearly record all complaints lodged and the outcome of each complaint, following appropriate investigation;
  • Ensure the complainant is made aware of the outcome of the investigation within a given period of time, as set out in the TOFS Complaints Handling Procedure;
  • If the complaint is upheld, apologise and take steps to put things right;
  • If the complaint is not upheld, provide clear reasons for this conclusion to the complainant, together with details of how to escalate the matter should they wish to do so; and
  • Use information from complaints investigations to help ensure that the issue does not happen again and that the quality of the service that TOFS provides continues to improve.

1.3. This Complaints Policy should be read in conjunction with the Complaints Handling Procedure and TOFS’ other adopted policies and procedures.

2. Definitions

2.1. A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of TOFS, which is formally brought to the attention of the TOFS Chief Executive and/or Trustees sitting on the Council of Management by the complainant.

2.2. A complaint can initially be made verbally, either face-to-face or by phone, but must be followed up in writing by the complainant, either via email or letter.

3. Situations where this policy applies

3.1. Complaints may come from any person or organisation engaging with TOFS, whether such engagement occurs in person, over the telephone or via digital means of communication. This may include members, donors, regulators, suppliers, members of the community or medical professionals.

3.2. This policy cannot apply to complaints about activities or people who are not under the control of TOFS.

3.3. For a complaint to be considered valid and investigated, it must relate to:

  • TOFS having done something that it should not reasonably have done, or
  • TOFS having failed to do something it should reasonably have done, or
  • The actions of a TOFS trustee, employee, co-opted person or appointed volunteer, who has acted in their official TOFS capacity.

3.4. This policy does not cover complaints from staff (who should direct any grievance in the first instance to their line manager or Chairman of the Trustees).

4. Responsibilities and rights of Trustees

4.1. The Trustees will:

  • Set up a Complaints Handling Procedure(s) designed to ensure that complaints are handled in a consistent, timely and effective manner;
  • Ensure that complaints and subsequent investigations, conclusions and actions are fully documented in writing and are handled confidentially and sensitively, telling only those who need to know and following any relevant data protection requirements;
  • Ensure that all TOFS members are informed about the existence of this Complaints Handling Policy and associated Complaints Handling Procedure via the TOFS website;
  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure that staff and volunteers are protected from unreasonable behaviour by any complainant.

5. Responsibilities and rights of members of staff and volunteers

5.1. All permanent members of staff (and, as appropriate, persons contracted to TOFS on a temporary basis) and, where appropriate, volunteers will:

  • Familiarise themselves with this Complaints Handling Policy and the associated Complaints Handling Procedure;
  • Report the receipt of complaints to the Chief Executive and/or the Trustees;
  • Ensure that complainants are advised to submit any formal complaint to TOFS in writing and that they are directed to the written Complaints Handling Policy and Complaint Handling Procedure documents for further information.