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Complaints handling procedure

If you have a concern or complaint about TOFS, please submit it in writing, either by email or post as per the procedure below. 

This procedure should be read in conjunction with our Complaints Handling Policy


1. Purpose of the procedure

1.1. To provide clearly defined information relating to the different stages of complaints handling by TOFS, including investigative responsibilities, complaint processing and the setting of target timescales for the resolution of the specific complaint. This document should be read alongside the separate TOFS Complaints Handling Policy.

1.2. Each complaint received will be considered in accordance with the following process stages:

  • Complaint submission, receipt and acknowledgement
  • Complaint investigation
  • Conclusions/complaint resolution
  • Escalation and external review
  • Complaints monitoring and improvement

2. Complaint submission, receipt and acknowledgment

2.1. For complaints made in person or via telephone, complainants will be advised to submit their complaints in writing, via email or letter, to the TOFS Chief Executive and/or a TOFS Trustee to ensure clear and accurate documentation of their concerns. Contact details are as follows: TOFS, St George’s Centre, 91 Victoria Road Netherfield, Nottingham NG4 2NN, or email: Chief Executive:, and/or trustees:

2.2. Any valid written complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days. The complainant will be provided with a reference number and contact details for the person handling their complaint. Where a complaint is not considered to be valid (having regard to the definition within the Complaints Handling Policy document), the complainant will be advised of the reason why the matters raised will not be investigated further.

2.3. A copy of the written Complaint Handling Procedure will be provided to the complainant.

3. Complaint investigation

3.1. Complaints, other than those directly involving the Chief Executive or a member of the Council of Management, will be investigated either by the TOFS Chief Executive or by the Chairman of the Council of Management.

3.2. Complaints against the Chief Executive or an individual Trustee will be investigated by the Chairman of the Council of Management.

3.3. Complaints relating to the Chairman of the Council of Management will be investigated by the Vice Chair and Secretary.

3.4. A thorough investigation of the complaint will be conducted. This will involve gathering all relevant information, documents, and evidence, and interviewing any employees or other parties involved as necessary.

3.5. Clear and accurate records of the investigation will be maintained, including a timeline of events, correspondence, and any actions taken.

4. Conclusions/complaint resolution

4.1. An appropriate resolution for the complaint will be determined, based on the findings of the investigation.

4.2. The complainant will then be advised, in writing, of the outcome of the investigation and the proposed resolution within 15 working days of TOFS receiving the complaint, or as soon as reasonably possible if the investigation requires more time. Should additional time be required, this will be communicated to the complainant, together with the anticipated date when a response will be provided.

4.3. TOFS will then ensure that the resolution is implemented promptly and effectively and will monitor the situation to ensure that the issue has been resolved satisfactorily.

4.4. In the event that the complainant remains dissatisfied with the response to the original complaint and wishes to contest the outcome, an appeal may be submitted. This must be in writing and received by TOFS no more than 15 working days from the date of the letter notifying the complainant of the complaint outcome. An appeal can only be considered where all the following criteria are satisfied:

  • The complainant has new, relevant information to present which has not previously been submitted
  • TOFS failed to consider adequately, or at all, information previously provided by the complainant
  • The response to the complaint is perverse in that no reasonable person could have reached that conclusion based on the information provided to them.

4.5. The appeal will be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt and a full written response supplied within 15 working days. Should a longer response period be required, an alternative date for a response will be communicated to the complainant.

4.6. There will be no further redress with TOFS once the original complaint procedure, and any subsequent appeal procedure, have concluded.

4.7. Prior to the complaint case being closed, all aspects of the complaint handling process, and the outcome, including details of any appeal, will be fully documented.

5. Escalation and external review

5.1. The complainant will be informed of their right to escalate the complaint to a higher authority should they not be satisfied with the outcome of the internal TOFS investigation and conclusions/resolution.

5.2. The Charity Commission is able to consider complaints alleging that a Charity is:

  • not doing what it claims to do
  • losing lots of money
  • harming people
  • being used for personal profit or gain
  • involved in illegal activity

5.2.1. Further information relating to these, or similar, examples of serious complaints can be found at

5.3. We will cooperate fully with any external review or investigation of the complaint, providing all requested information and assistance, and implementing any required actions or improvements.

6. Complaints monitoring and improvement

6.1. A complaints register will be maintained to record and track all complaints received, including the date, complainant details, nature of the complaint, investigation outcome, and resolution.

6.2. TOFS will regularly analyse the complaints data to identify any trends, patterns, or recurring issues, and implement appropriate actions or improvements to address them.

6.3. Complaints data and feedback will be used to drive continual improvement in TOFS’ services and processes.